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We do know that the Reptilians preceded the appearance of the human race on this?

They had pointed ears and bulging foreheads. Jul 20, 2023 · By The Biggest Secret (1998), Icke was ready to describe these Prison Warders in greater detail: known as the Anunnaki, they are reptilian extraterrestri­als from the planet Draco—and their existence is the biggest secret ly­ing behind war, inequality, injustice, and your own personal feelings of frustration and unhappiness. Draco is the ancestor of the reptilian race, Lifgarians, grays, and other Draconians. The reptilian presence is not so strong although they have been Holding positions of power for millenia and have manipulated the human race to become a slave race for them to prosper. lowes commercial actress For other races identified as such please go to Draconian (Doctor Who) and Draconian (Marvel). While some Draconians are self-centered and some even label them as negative or “evil,” others are here to assist humanity to awaken and develop consciousness. NASCAR teams may use between nine and 14 sets of tires in a race, which comes to between 36 and 56 total tires. Not all Draco Reptilian races are war like. Even worse, he said, some aliens, specifically the race known as Draco-Reptilians, believed to come from the Orion constellation, have a taste for human babies The Alpha Draconians, a reptilian race composed of master geneticists, tinker with life - which from their perspective exists as a natural resource. dalton funeral home levittown obituaries [7][8] The idea of reptilians was popularised by David Icke, an anti-semitic conspiracy theorist who. While, as noted, sentient reptilians of some form or another have seemingly been around in human legend for as long as we’ve been humaning, one of the earliest and most influential references of Lizard People in more modern times can be found in Robert E The Draconian Reptilian Empire When a Draconian woman gives birth, she will abandon the infant to fend for itself. The Ciakar allegedly is the name of a reptilian species from the Draco constellation. These different “genders” can look like different species. kaiser surgical tech program This little known binary star system is located in the constellation Draco and is approximately 303 light-years from Earth. ….

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